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Webb City Junior High School

Every Cardinal, Every Day

Mission and Vision

​​​​​​​Statement of Philosophy

At Webb City Junior High School we feel it is very important to emphasize the basic subject areas while exposing our youth to other academic and cultural subjects and activities.  At the same time it should be remembered and emphasized that mental and physical health and well being go hand in hand.  We are continuing the educational process, hoping to attain total development of each individual student, so he or she may become a useful and responsible citizen in an ever-changing society.  We realize the major responsibility for formal academic and aesthetic training now rests with the school, however the family, church and community must share in the total educational process.


It is important that each student be recognized for his own value as a human being through the academic, co-curricular, and extracurricular programs.  While emphasizing the uniqueness of each individual, it will also be important that our students learn to respect the rights and freedoms of all individuals in our society, not their own.  As students, striving to meet each of their individual needs, it will be necessary for each of them to understand that their individual aspiration should not conflict with the overall welfare of the group.  This recognition should encompass each facet of their school, community and family life.


Through the educational process, democratic ideals should be stressed.  By this, we hope each student will be given the opportunity to develop civic responsibility through awareness of and involvement in democratic processes within the school setting.

Mission Statement

The mission of the Webb City R-VII School District is to prepare today's youth to meet the challenges of tomorrow's world by guiding all students in the acquisition of knowledge and the development of skills that will enable each to become a productive and responsible individual.